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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. It's undecided whether this Pokemon will ever be fully added.
  2. I was told a few days ago, (I forgot who by) that you set up your clan wrong in terms of permissions. I don't mind setting it to the correct permission for you, just let me know which one you were meant to have out of the following @Adamented Public Everyone can see the clan and its posts, and can participate without joining. Open Everyone can see the clan and its posts, but only members can participate. Everyone can join. Closed Everyone can see the clan and who's in it, but only members can see posts and participate. Users need to ask a leader to join. Private Only members can find the clan and see its posts. Users need to be invited by a leader to join.
  3. There are sort options in the new v4 Pokedex, don't worry
  4. Selling Pokemon was never a thing... you're thinking of a different site.
  5. Effective immediately on July 27th, 2017, the clan forums will be no longer. Instead they have been replaced with a forum clan system where each clan can have their own small section of the forums with multiple topics and calendars. These clans will tie in with your in-game v4 clans when available but you're free to go ahead and try out the forum clans first and get yours up and running ready for v4. Each forum clan will have a leader that is the original creator of the clan and they will be able to appoint separate moderators to help keep their clan section clean. This, however, is not essential, you can run it all by yourself if you like. Unlike in-game clans, a forum clan will have unlimited user slots where you will be able to invite existing forum users to your created clan or you will be able to request to join someone else's clan. Again, unlike the in-game clans, you will be able to join multiple forum clans for the ease of being able to communicate with everyone on the forums. While this can be seen as your own section of the forums, it does not mean you can overrule the original global forum rules. These still apply to all clans created and will be enforced by the global moderators/administrators. You can find the new clans section in the top menu of every forum page: From here, you will be presented with the options of creating a clan or joining an existing clan. If you decide to create a clan, the privacy of this clan is decided by you with the following options: Public Everyone can see the clan and its posts, and can participate without joining. Open Everyone can see the clan and its posts, but only members can participate. Everyone can join. Closed Everyone can see the clan and who's in it, but only members can see posts and participate. Users need to ask a leader to join. Private Only members can find the clan and see its posts. Users need to be invited by a leader to join. This current clan sub-forum will be removed with all of it's content on August 15th, 2017 which gives everyone who currently has a topic here the chance to gather any information they need and migrate it to the new clan section. Soon to follow this topic is the clan section rules outlined and a detailed guide on how to set up and run an effective forum clan.
  6. Don't worry about it, I think it's a mixture of everything said and in which case, the part that actually is a bug where certain data may not load while the rest does is fixed on v4 wonder trade so this can be closed now.
  7. @dangerous1234 you need to stop double and triple posting everywhere. When you need to reply to a topic but you were the last one who posted in it then edit your last post. Thank you.
  8. @VITOL I was looking in to this just the other day for wonder trade on v4 and I'm unconvinced it's a user releasing a Pokemon because it would show broken data the other way around rather than how it is in your screenshot. When you release a Pokemon, it loses the initial data (name, experience, level, attacks) but ball, gender and OT are kept on record and not deleted when released. SO, if the Pokémon image is broken and says "This Pokémon is a glitch and will be deleted" then yes, it most likely is that the person has released what they received. In the case of the screenshot you provided, it looks more like a failure to retrieve the extra data of OT, ball and gender. In the second case, I have fixed this on v4 although it should be a very rare occurrence on v3 unless you have a slow connection. As far as it goes to why people are releasing Pokemon straight after a wonder trade rather than just wonder trading it again, I think that comes down to the fact there are a lot of people who don't actually know what wonder trade is or how it works, so, when they click wonder trade on a Pokemon, they didn't realise it would be instant and so they click off it thinking it will cancel, they then go to view all their Pokemon to see if they still have what they wonder traded but instead they see something they don't remember catching so they release it.
  9. Your accounts were banned.
  10. Don't worry about reporting attack change bugs any more, the system has been completely replaced in v4 so I won't be fixing them in v3 any more.
  11. There's a location for every Pokemon on our Wiki found here: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/List_of_Pokemon_By_Location Events are announced here on the forums, on the in-game dashboard when you log in and on Discord in the #announcements channel. Unfortunately all trade rates are personal opinion so there's no right or wrong answer to it, your best option would be to ask here about individual trades:
  12. Well it's pretty clear nothing is going to overtake Rockruff now so it's already been put into place. Well done, Rockruff Thank you to all who voted.
  13. Have you customized your trainer card on Discord? Post your custom card here and show it off
  14. So with Pokémon Vortex v4 never drawing nearer at an impeccably slow pace There comes an important decision to make... What should the fourth starter Pokémon be for the Alolan region? Vote in the poll and the winner will be put into place.
  15. If it has a different OT then it's not even the same Pokémon. It's impossible for a Pokémon to duplicate.
  16. Yes it's just a duplicate notification, the Pokémon itself wasn't duplicated.
  17. It can't be done, we don't allow closing of accounts but they are not public anyway so just set your email address to private on your account and leave the account to gather dust if you don't want it any more.
  18. To add on to what Eurstin said, the forum guides are archived because they're obsolete and not maintained. We have a community wiki for everything Vortex related now which anyone can contribute to. https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/ Welcome to Pokémon Vortex and enjoy your stay.
  19. Patrick

    My dex

    Sneezeball has no dex.
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