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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. When does it start? I've DM'd you for hints.
  2. You've just taken these from another game: And it'll never happen anyway, but thanks for the idea, nonetheless. When it comes to variants, the goal was only ever to have six, which is already a huge time consuming task to complete the Pokédex. If you haven't already noticed the section of the Pokédex that says "Coming Soon" which is the Side Dex, this is to implement one of a kind Pokémon that would otherwise be complete variants such as Crystal Onix or Pink Rhyhorn. This way, we can have these special Pokémon loved by the fanbase without having to turn every single other Pokémon into that variant, achieving two things: The Pokédex remains a manageable size The Side Dex Pokémon are all that more special not having an entire dex done in that style. Side Dex examples:
  3. It's posts like yours which is exactly why I do not make the spawn rates public. I have done in past versions and it has proven to be more of a problem than a solution. Why? Most people simply do not understand it. They will read (example number) 1/1000 to find a legendary and they assume they have to find one in 1000 encounters or less or there is something broken/not working and refuse to believe otherwise, much like your post thinking there's some conspiracy against you. Like the answer or not - It is all luck. If you don't find what you're looking for then you're having bad luck, there is nothing broken and I have better things to do than conspire against players laughing in a dark corner when they don't find what they're looking for.
  4. Christmas, Halloween and Star Wars Pokemon get re-released from time to time. Star Wars Pokemon, for example, are now finished with new additions, there will never be a new Star Wars Pokemon so every May 4th onwards will see the existing one(s) come back in some way. We will never have any Pokémon deadlocked in a way they're literally unobtainable. However, them being very rare and valuable for a period of time is fine, it keeps the trade/auction economy fresh and alive.
  5. No, IP address is not proof of account ownership. However, come and discuss it with me on Discord if you can.
  6. Points are earned through posts, receiving and giving reputation, having your answer to a Q&A topic (like this one) be marked as the answer and having your post "Followed" by someone else. You don't need to strive for ranks, it's not a competition, it'll all come naturally from actively using the forums and posting good quality content people are interested in.
  7. If your account is from 2016, you likely haven't set a timezone yet so it will be using the default UTC until you set it. You can do this in the options tab on the left of any page when you're logged in - Scroll to the bottom. Be sure to set it correctly because it cannot be changed once set.
  8. I don't see it ever happening, no.
  9. Starting December 1st 2022, all forum accounts created with the old login methods (Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter) will be deleted. If you are one of the few whose account was made using these oAuth methods, your account will be inaccessible starting December 1st 2022, however, you can keep all your posts, reputation and anything associated with your account if you simply create a new account logging in with your Pokémon Vortex account, then message me here on the forums or on Discord (Patríck#0001) telling me your old and new usernames, I will merge the accounts pushing all of your content to the newly created account automatically associated with Pokémon Vortex. FAQ How do I know if my account was made with any of the previously used oAuth integrations? You can check in your account settings found here, it will show any links to other services. Aside from this, you'll know your account isn't using oAuth if you created it after November 2016 as this is when I disabled the oAuth methods of registration and login. Why is this happening? A few reasons but the main one being it has been evident that these oAuth login methods have been proven to cause more issues than resolve when it comes to Pokémon Vortex which defeats the object of them existing here on Vortex. I don't care about my posts and other content, do I still need to contact you? No, you don't need to do anything but if you still want to use the forums after December 2022, you will need to log in with a new forum account associated with a Pokémon Vortex game account.
  10. No, it's not possible to have a Ninetales (Alolan) with both Confuse Ray and Moonblast. The wiki is correct, however, if you feel an article may be outdated attack-wise, you can see all attacks a Pokémon can learn on the Pokédex page from the main site found here
  11. Reputation is put in place so the community can deem a thread as a good contribution to the community and so the top contributors can be recognized for their efforts. Reputation is not a competition, you do not need to strive to be at the "top". If you are actively contributing good quality content to the forums, it will be noticed and you will receive reputation for it. Please follow these rules regarding reputation: Do not ask for reputation. Do not use alternate accounts to give yourself reputation. Do not use reputation to "harass" other members of the community (This includes giving the negative rep to all posts of someone just because you dislike them) Do not "upvote" all of someone's posts just because they are your friend or clanmate. Ignoring any of these rules will result in you (and anyone else involved) having their reputation reset (and maybe their account suspended/banned depending on the case)
  12. Before posting a new trade topic, be aware of the following rules and guidelines to posting a good quality trade thread: All global rules apply Topic bumping is allowed in these topics (avoiding the multi-post rule) only and can only be done every three days. You cannot create a new trade thread until your previous one is at least two weeks old or deleted. You must have at least six Pokémon listed/posted for trade (Do not post "check my IGN" or "Msg me") Do not ask for free things. You cannot trade/sell/buy accounts. Do not post about "Trust trades" (this is a trade where you promise to give something after receiving something) Good Trade Thread Example: This is what I have for Trade: Normal Pokemon Unique Pokemon Normal Legendaries Unique Legendaries Bad Trade Thread Example: Trading Tips Try to keep your thread organized and make your rules and rates clear to all users. Don't go crazy with fonts - it's messy and painful to read If you have a lot of spare Pokémon you would like to trade, DO NOT post all 80 pk tags (Lags up the forum). Instead of embedding images of each Pokémon, try just using text of the Pokémon you're trading. If you have a text list of Pokémon, but it is extremely long, try including in the list somewhere "Use Control + F to find what you're looking for". You can link your IGN in your thread, but you still have to have at least 6 Pokémon posted. Reply coherently. Coherently meaning no emoticons every single reply and no crazy font or colored text. Experience Trading is determined by the user. Make sure you set rates on what kind of Pokémon is worth what to you. ("Normal Pokémon are equal to x exp. Unique Pokemon are equal to x exp." etc) Rates can be trivial and are determined by the user, but keep in mind that all Normal Pokémon have the same encounter rate, Normal Legendaries have the same encounter rate, and all Unique Pokémon have the same encounter rate, and all Unique Legendaries have the same encounter rate. If you feel as if you are being cheated or the rates are unfair, do not propose the trade. Trading Lingo There are a lot of terms that get thrown around in trading threads. Here are a few: IGN - In game name, meaning the one posting's account. UFT - Up for trade, meaning whatever the poster is offering. Unique(s) - Unique is any Pokémon that isn't a normal, so in this case Metallic, Shiny, Dark, Mystic, Shadow. Leggy/Leggies - Crude abbreviation of "Legendary Pokémon". EXP - You know, Experience. UB - Ultra Beast
  13. Before you post, be sure to read through the rules and follow them accordingly. Failure to follow the rules of forums will be met with various action taken on your account depending on the severity of the rule(s) broken. If you see someone else breaking forum rules, please report them using the forum post report option in the drop down menu on the top right of each post: The following rules apply to all sections of the forums, their sub-forums, posts, profile status' and private messages: Spamming When Posting, please make sure to stay on topic and don't just post single words or a smiley. Do not multi-post. If you are the last person to post in a topic and you have more to add - edit your last post. Do not post or reply to things with the intention to raise your post count. Do not post in topics that have long died, this is called "necro-posting" and is considered spamming. Multiple Accounts You are only allowed one forum account for posting. (You may have more to browse or access the store) If you have another account, you cannot give reputation to posts from it. Post Contents Do not post adult content. Do not post personal information of other people. Do not post illegal content, including but not limited to drug use, piracy or violence. Do not quote your own posts. Do not swear - If you are unsure if a word is a swear, it probably is so don't use it anyway. Do not argue or insult other users or staff. Languages Outside of the dedicated language-specific sub-forums, please only post in English unless you are unable to do-so. Warning System Warnings generally work in a three-time strike system although sometimes under certain circumstances, accounts may be terminated without warning. Warning points may be given out more than one at a time based on the severity of the issue that has caused the warning. Warning points may be removed from your account one month after it was issued. If you amass 3 consecutive warning points, your account will be permanently banned from the forums.
  14. They don't have titles, no. They are, however, listed in the credits section of the game. (Click "Thanks" at the bottom of any page to see the credits) Generally we do not accept submitted artwork, we will seek it out ourselves and approach artists for their permission/help so to answer your question - It is unlikely we would take and use your submissions.
  15. We don't do Thanksgiving events.
  16. I feel I should probably chime in here. While Auke and Itachi aren't wrong, it certainly helps in making sure bots aren't overly productive, one of the main reasons behind its existence is because without it, a new meta of "gaining battle count" would occur. People would endlessly battle trainers with single Pokemon teams to rack up wins, not to mention the problem it would bring with multiple browsers/windows/tabs - You would see people gaining hundreds of battles per minute which would ultimately destroy an already painful-to-get-onto leaderboard. Of course this problem doesn't exist with sidequests as you cannot re-battle the opponent so it's entirely possible it could be removed from the sidequest battles but honestly, I don't see it happening. Who knows though.
  17. He’s not a moderator, he’s a wiki editor - a title anyone can earn by contributing good quality edits to the wiki.
  18. We used to have an art section on the forums full of threads that did just that. Once upon a time before social media and the smart phone, forums used to be a simple and popular way for people to communicate. As this demand died down, we shut down a lot of the sub-forums due to declining activity and interest. In short - yes you can do that if you want but just keep two things in mind; - You cannot ask for real life currencies as payment (Pokémon Vortex items/Pokémon etc is fine) - Based on previous reasons of shutting down the art sub-forum, you may not get much interest. Good luck to you
  19. Patrick


    Please read the FAQ before asking questions;
  20. That’s not what they meant. Order is not the same as filter.
  21. Fainting a Pokémon does not affect its rate of reappearing in the future. As you said, Charmander is already a rare Pokémon, add on to that you’re looking for one of the two rarest variants - Shadow. Unfortunately you’re just having some bad luck, you’ll get another eventually.
  22. It was specific to your account (and likely a few others who never reported it) because you had a staggering 50,000 auctions you had bid on over the course of your Pokémon Vortex journey which was too much data for the charts to process So to future-proof it, I've made the PokéBay statistics based on your last 1000 auctions rather than overall. Your stats page should now be working as normal - Sorry about the wait.
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