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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Unfortunately that's not something that's available. Pokémon Vortex is not a battle simulator so it has it's own specific move sets, some attacks are not available at all while others don't do exactly what they would in the main series GB/DS/Switch games. However, for info on attacks, Pokémon and various other in-game mechanics, you can refer to our Wiki. It is community run/updated so some things are incomplete and some things may be outdated or wrong so feel free to contribute to it yourself if you see anything you know but is missing (and if you have time of course). https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Home
  2. 836. Not all of them are currently obtainable and are reserved for future rewards for things like achievements and events.
  3. The person you're trying to accept into the clan, click their name to open their profile and see if they're already in a clan. Let me know.
  4. https://pkvrtx.com/Pkmn-Locations
  5. Utiliza su propia zona horaria que configuró cuando registró su cuenta. Si su cuenta se registró antes de 2018, deberá establecer su zona horaria en la pestaña de opciones a la izquierda cuando inicie sesión. Solo puede configurarlo una vez, así que elija el correcto.
  6. Kit_Kat_ BippityBoop BippityBoop2
  7. They're reserved spots for events and currently cannot be obtained.
  8. You need to fill your team first. If you're still having issues after that, log out and back in. It's a known bug on the list to be fixed with a future update.
  9. It's used to connect a game account to a Discord account on our Discord server
  10. alawi4000@gmail.com: k3n_kaneki alawi40 bl4cksliver@gmail.com: No registered accounts
  11. You're mistaken on how points work, there is no set amount per action, it's a math formula built of many factors based on your specific account like total experience, average experience, battle count, unique Pokemon and total Pokemon.
  12. It should be instantly but if you're having it delivered to a gmail address, there are known issues. If you've ordered one and not received it, you can open a store support request
  13. Evidently you did share your login details with someone at some point, whether on purpose or not, only you could know. Your Pokemon were traded to 2k19elded some time ago. Unfortunately there's nothing we can really do about it, it's only your word against theirs that the Pokémon were stolen and not traded fairly.
  14. Because people have convinced themselves that by not being able to find legendaries, that the rare spawn pool (starters etc) become more common. To answer the original question, no this isn’t likely to ever be a thing added.
  15. It's the wiki that's wrong. The wiki is maintained by players like yourself, if you see an error, feel free to correct it, anyone can contribute to it. While the wiki was set up, maintained and run by Pokémon Vortex, it is rare that it will be updated by anyone of status, it's up to the players to keep it up to date.
  16. This is the email address associated with that account: e****e.w*3@i*****.com If this email address is not accessible any more then the only other way to prove ownership of the account is if you had previously linked it to a Discord account in which case I can help you if you come and speak with me there about it. If the email is not accessible and the account is not linked to a Discord user then unfortunately the account is gone forever as there's no real way to prove ownership.
  17. Patrick


    No one has been removed from the server in nearly a week so the issue lies with your Discord account and/or your Discord client. We can't help with either but maybe you can find what you need on Discord's self-help: https://pkvrtx.com/DiscordHelp If not, you'll need to contact Discord.
  18. “Immunes” are Pokemon that have a resistance to another type so no damage will be dealt. For example, Ghosts are immune to Normals. These Pokemon are easier to train and are typically used during experience boost events making them valuable to some players.
  19. If they were won in the same log in session, you need to log out and back in for them to appear in your change team list.
  20. Yep, Destiny Knot held item is what you're looking for.
  21. This will tell you the rarity of every Pokémon: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/List_of_Pokemon_By_Location
  22. Zygarde is correct but yes the Arceus trifecta forms need to be edition 2.
  23. Pokémon Vortex will be down for maintenance on November 1st starting at an estimated time of 00:00 GMT until a currently unknown time. During the maintenance period, Pokémon Vortex will be moved to a much more robust and capable server than what it currently uses. Maintenance FAQ Q - If we are already logged in, can we continue playing during the maintenance? A - No. You will automatically be logged out as the whole game needs to be taken offline. Q - What about Discord quizzes won during the maintenance period? A - Promo codes won on Discord will have their usual expiry time of an hour extended to be usable after the maintenance. Q - Will we lose any account progress during this? A - No.
  24. This is very easily and quicker done in the game using the Pokédex though... Just type “Rotom” or “Therian” in the search and it’ll show what you do or don’t have.
  25. Well you didn't set your timezone to reflect that. This is where you set it to: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dili,+Timor-Leste/@-9.1603615,124.4232753,6.71z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2d01e70d32288115:0x3d9d6ee9546912d9!8m2!3d-8.5568557!4d125.5603143
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