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GodsWithin last won the day on August 18 2017

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About GodsWithin

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  1. Just wanted to say some stuff...


    First of all I'm not tryna get the attention of Patrick or suck up to him. @Patrick will more than likely not see this...Hell most of y'all will probably ignore this but I feel it's necessary. 


    Honestly i I had a great event time and all even though I got only one Rotom. Hard work truly feels good :) thanks for teaching me that through the event Patrick. But that's not the tip of the iceberg....I just wanted to give a huge thanks to Patrick for all he's done for the Vortex Community. This game changed my childhood and for that I owe him everything :) often I wonder how someone is able to do this and contribute to society in such a way like you man. I know you'll probably never even see this (I coulda pmed this to you but you're a busy man and you might have missed it) but here's a Heartfelt thanks Patrick from me and hopefully the Vortex Community. Keep up the amazing work.. It might be a while till people realize what amazing things you've done but it'll be worthwhile :) hope you see this @Patrick


    if if anybody else feels the need to criticize me for this post just pm me idec 

    1. 123Aman-2


      Once again , Thankyou @Patrick not only for this event but for all you did for us to tool now .. hats off to you .. 


    2. Deathbane210


      and thats why your already a sweet as heck player XDD

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