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Status Updates posted by 123Aman-2

  1. Found Cheaters-

    quebec oscar565 Weebee Gotze pepeo1  karsdavo

    @Patrick please look at them ....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Deathbane210


      think so yea, but most them traded off there pokedex rotoms

    3. 123Aman-2


      @iZeus we don't mean that who has rotom pokedex were cheaters . but they have a lot of pokedex(s) that's why we were complaining to them..

    4. Deathbane210


      so still havent found one...

  2. I hate these map events Pat...

    Too difficult..:><:

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. marllonflaxDxD


      @soulweeper616 Yes, he will go.

      He has already banned some people with very rotom on Friday. It may be busy this weekend, we will write down all ING and give it to him.
      I have noted various ING for when he gets back. 

    3. glaceon001
    4. marllonflaxDxD


      @glaceon001 Oh Thanks, sorry any error:><:(^_^)v 

  3. Hello vortexians ,

    Please help me to fight against this spammer ..... @demonstriker



    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. seth1129400


      damn why do people think of sports as a girl

    3. sportsandmusic69


      For future reference, if someone is reading the rules on the forums, please use the report feature and not make a topic about it, as it could be seen as spam. A mod will look into when given the chance. Thanks.

    4. seth1129400

  5. Using my last splash plate for converting ur Arceus into water best offer will be accepted ...PM me ....:;):

  6. I can't believe this.....

    At least i got a blue orb now ...

    I have completed hoenn SQ more than 15 times & never got a single orb ....

    Also i m little shocked when I saw my name in richest users #42

    I feel extremely lucky now....:><:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 123Aman-2


      wow congrats to u too....:^_^:

    3. seth1129400


      if u never had posted this status update , i would have gotten this information some time after it cause i barely see my item inventory , i just jump directly to the pokemart , seeing that u had it i just spontaneously checked that if i had any orbs and hurray , a blue orb came in front of me :D

    4. devaharish


      wow man hearty congratulations..:)pikachu 

  7. Converting the last splash plate into arceus (water) ..best offer will be taken ...PM me don't post here....

  8. Maybe v4 will come in November .....

    Here is the Proof .....




  9. where to return ur togipies back ??also ur dark togepi has 200 k so I want a normal legend for it ok ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 123Aman-2


      can u put ur dialga uft now so that i will offer all ur togepis on them...:)

    3. porymon


      could you complete them to three hearts and then return?

      P.S do you have any splash plates left?

    4. 123Aman-2


      well ok i will ..:)

      nope sorry all splash plates have been used...:x

  10. I have 2 Splash Plate But 0 Arceus I m so unlucky:(  But I dont wanna waste my plates ... So if any anyone wants to convert his Arceus into (Water) ..... PM Me ..:) I won't cheat anyone..... 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 123Aman-2


      sorry @akshay101 all splash plates have been used ...:( Sorry for inconvenience 

    3. devaharish


      @123Aman-2 chill bro no issues better luck next time for me...


    4. akshay101
  11. The Most unluckiest person in whole Vortex is me.....

    As I have completed the hoenn SQ's more then 8 times

    But still haven't got any red or blue orb ........:(:/

    1. himanshu24092002


      i have both if you give metallic or dark arceus i will evolve your poke to primal

  12. Can anyone tell me who is the person currently having  Dark Rotom (Spin) ,Mystic Arceus (Ice) ,Mystic Rotom (Wash).....

    @Patrick@sportsandmusic69@Uncle_Psychic@Chris_   or any admin please....

  13. Holy!! OMG Blackbeardt The great Blackbeardt has been banned...#1 richiest player :o

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. 123Aman-2


      I m your biggest fan @Blackbeardt sir.....& I hope sir you will never be banned & never leave vortex....xD

  14. Wow Can't believe Richest user no.-83...... :D

    My most insane moment.....:^_^:


    1. mike503


      i am number 15 :D

    2. 123Aman-2


      Great Job! Well Done...

    3. jayarock12
  15. getting bored...anyone here to play pokemon showdown with me ??

  16. Any one knows about nintendo 3ds emulator...

    If yes please tell me any website to download its cracked version...

  17. Any one has any idea about v4 when it will be launching ...This year or next year..?9_9

  18. Sorry lol I think it's DD/MM/YY

  19. Happy late birthday dude...

    1. manavsharma9231


      It's not my birthday!!!!!

      It's on 6 Sept.

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