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Everything posted by POKENWR

  1. I could trade you my Lugia for Kyogre is that level 100
  2. I love Kyogre you want to trade a Lugia for a Kyogre if you say yes I'll be so excited also if you say no it's fine but if you say my IGN is POKENWR
  3. Who wants my legendary dogs for the event Pokemon I have Raikou suicune and Entei


    I bought it them on Pokedex


    I have all three of the legendary dogs who wants to trade with me also my IGN is POKENWR
  6. I will get that score Bunny not you

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. POKENWR


      Well if you get that score bunny I'm just going to go say sorry because there might be another person selling it on polka days so sorry but not sorry so kind of sorry but you still not sorry

    3. SkyEye


      i) scorbunny not score bunny

      ii) what's polka days?

      iii) if you offer something better you can have it ofc why getting mad?

    4. POKENWR


      I'm sorry I just messed up so bad so I'm sorry for real I'm sorry

  7. I want to go get the score bunny


  8. No I want to score bunny do you have a second sword money if you don't I'm going to go be super mad
  9. I don't have a Snivy but I will get a Snivy soon
  10. Hey do you want to battle in Pokemon Showdown

  11. I want one of your listen I want one of your linton's it can be any level

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. POKENWR
    3. POKENWR


      I don't see the trade when it look on my trade Finney it's a zero

    4. tazzer


      Go to trade centre then select litten from pokemon list then choose last page there will be a litten on end with tazzer written on it's rigt then click on offer button then offer gerninja and slowking then click ok

  12. Yes I need the Charmeleon cuz I need to get a dome fossil
  13. Can you give me a Mewtwo for my Greninja
  14. I have a Greninja but I need Ash Greninja
  15. Torchic is in the fire map I think
  16. Who wants my also you must give me a full evolve starter Pokemon
  17. Do anybody wants to trade me for any Pokemon


  18. I have Pokemon Sun I'm trying to beat the Elite Four but I can't


    1. PokemonZayden


      bro i will give u s-celebi

  19. I have a Gen 5 legendary Pokemon
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