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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Fluffyz

  1. I'm not in the feeling to trade any Pokemon, so maybe another time.
  2. Thanks for following me! 😁

    1. ItsLife


      No problem 🙃

    2. Pokomaster29


      And for mee too actually I forgot to thank you sorry 😅

    3. ItsLife


      Haha not a problem 

  3. That seems like good idea,but I don't think the baby pokemon should be level 25.I was actually thinking about posting Pokemon breeding as well, but until saw your post I didn't feel like posting the same thing.Also, one thing- your baby pokemon needs to hatch first...
  4. Whoa, that seems really nice of you to do that, but is this true?Do you have proof?Also my ign is fluffyz .
  5. Why does this still have unanswered?
  6. I don't think the clan depository is coming anytime now, so clan chats wouldn't really be usefull.Unless you are planing to a raid a chunk of people.
  7. Yes I know, we have 2 unoffcial Mega evolutions in Pokemon Vortex (Mega Arbok and Mega Snorlax) can Pokemon Vortex have some new Mega evolutions? If there is going to be some new mega evolutions, make them look cool, not werid, put lots of detail.Maybe not mega evolutions for pokemon that have something already, like gigantamaxing, probably for Pokemon that do not evolve or evolve from anything. It would also be cool if you could actually interact and play with your pokemon, like the good old pokemon amie, the buddy feature in Pokemon go or something new, like your camp in Sword and Shield! The features would be like, throwing pokeballs for your pokemon to fetch and feeding your pokemon pokepuffs, to make them happy, your bond grows stronger with them and you earn a heart.Also you would be able to buy pokepuffs and different food for your pokemon to enjoy!Please one of the pokemon vortex staff, make this a feature in Pokemon Vortex v6 or something PLEASE!Pikachu begs you.
  8. WARNING:I MIGHT CHANGE MY MIND. Is a Metallic Azelf good enough to trade for a Zamazenta?
  9. Kid:Can we have at home? Kid's mom:No, we have at home. at home:
  10. One of them wanted to be in the top 10 in USA, I don't understand why he wanted acounts.
  11. One of them, as I could remember had the the username called earlybird.
  12. I've seen a few people saying that they would like unwanted accounts in their bios.Is this appropriate? (Not that I want to do this.)
  13. So Pokémon vortex v6 be like something similar to Pokémon Amie? Quests? Name changes? Kalos sprites? More avatars?
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