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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by eeveecuteness

  1. Patrick last time like long long time ago u made a giveaway so can u make one again some people were not in the giveaway at tat time like me really love your giveaway and want to join another one Pls patrick reply this @Patrick the game is awsome really like totally Patrick fan here!!!!
  2. I realised that people is often leaving the game

    We need to do something about this 

    Like often making event then it will bring back the player

  3. We cant make a fakemon with alot of types or it will be unstoppable. Think of a good idea before posting
  4. Me when seeing @Glazio going to leave the game




    Sad Cartoons GIF WHY MUST HE LEAVE........................

    1. eeveecuteness


      Is been a long Journey for me and @Glazio

  5. dont do this is illegal(idk)because if u are selling the pokemon we give to u,u will get money but not us
  6. Good one patrick I didnt know that patrick will answer this Patrick if u are seeing this: Are u the one making event?
  7. Trying to get 200 reputation after next month 

    1. Glazio


      yup ❤ you can do that i will support you.

    2. eeveecuteness


      how can u if u are leaving

  8. My 2nd best friend is leaving the game 😟😭

    What should i do 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Glazio


      @eeveecuteness I will back soon 😸

    3. eeveecuteness


      really but v7 is a long way to go

    4. Pokechampionpikachu


      Yea..... I hope you will come back soon @Glazio

  9. Playing fnf is easy

    But not god eater

    2 people play is better 

    Acheivements:Finished Sky

    , Kapi, Real fnf, Weegiepie mod, Bad pigges, Monika(Rebooted), Mimikyu, Kirby mods

    1. Pokechampionpikachu


      I pass the FNF high effort test and trying some more.... 

  10. Being in seasonal is hard u have to train immunes do side quest etc
  11. @Glazio thanks for all the support u gave me i really appreciate u alot im literally crying now u are the only person who gave me a store pokemon with 1million exp
  12. Omg thanks Glazio 😍😍 Ign eeveecuteness
  13. Hey guys suddenly do u realised Glazio has 0 reputation. Sus

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. eeveecuteness


      Feel bad for u glazio

    3. Pokechampionpikachu


      I kinda feel bad for you too @Glazio

    4. Captaincam1


      @Glazio Build up again ill support you lol 

  14. Omg 101 reputation.Thanks guys 😃


  15. guys pls dont hate me pls

    dont but t rubbish















    i made a drawing idk is it nice https://bit.ly/3scl7So

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. HyperPanther
    3. eeveecuteness


      Lol he is not even bullying this is friendly talk

    4. candy_fudgekin


      VoidStarBagelz has Not Fallen For This But Actually Likes The Song So Clicked It Anyways

  16. Pls comment if u like my trainer card


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Pokechampionpikachu


      This is my Trainer Card, but my name can't fit in, so I shortened it...... 

    3. eeveecuteness


      Dont post here post some where else this is my post

    4. Pokechampionpikachu


      ........ Fine...... 

  17. oh ok Umm.... Tks for the info srry wrong
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