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Everything posted by DipDip

  1. Being called scammer by 12y/o after I sniped the auction twice. Ideally I just block/ignore and move on but I don't like false acquisitions and I don't want ppl to think I scam them. What do u suggest I do? Can't even reason with the kid bc I got blocked
  2. Wooo thanks! You can offer on one of the Pichu (notched) on my trades. Thanks again and merry christmas to you as well
  3. IGN: DipDip Fav Pokes: Why do I want to win: Winning feels good Thanks for doing this. Merry xmas
  4. False swipe works as a 40 dmg normal type move. This is a known mechanic of the game. I don't think it's accurate to report it as a bug
  5. Alolan pokeleri side questlerde 1651 seviyesini gecticten sonra haritalarda bulabilirsin. Hani nasil normal gymleri bitirdikten sonra legendary pokemonlar haritada cikiyor ya, onun gibi. Side questler hakkinda daha fazla bilgi icin: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Sidequests#Alola
  6. The event update reads: So, after winning a clan battle, you have chance of getting an egg. This screenshot is taken from discord. For that, you need to be in a clan. Simply head over to your clan page (you can do that by clicking your clan name at top left) go to clan battles and battle your opponent. There are some clans recruiting currently. You can join the official pokemon vortex discord for more info. Here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/pokemonvortex Another way to get eggs is to purchase them from auction.
  7. > typeghost This doesn't exist. Check the profile page of TypeNormal for more info.
  8. Ah ye, idk how it is on mobile, sorry. As for egg drops, it's pretty random. It's normal to not to get any from long hours of farming
  9. Might be due to disabling pop-ups or other things on your web browser preferences. Do u get any notifications for auction outbids, friend/trade requests? If u want to test that u can msg me on Discord, my tag is Dip#5558
  10. I got a few, here is the one where I took a pic
  11. My offer is 108 ghost/flying/normal type level 6 poke. I have them available. If you accept or want to negotiate contact me on Discord. I messaged to you prior and you weren't that responding. My offer is valid for 24 hours. ---- Deal was completed, the said Shiny Groudon Primal was 1.45m exp instead of 1.8m but it's no big deal. Thanks for business
  12. You need to hatch a total of 25 eggs to open up 2nd incub slot 100 eggs to open up 3rd incub slot Yes it is possible to get 24h egg from wild battles. GL!
  13. A while ago there was a training account called TNormal. It had Lunalas with ghost moves so it was really good to train rattatas and other normal pokes with dark moves. Idk what happened to it but that account is no longer good for training. So I made new account with same purpose. Basically 6 Lunalas with ghost moves. The account name is x4normal Idk if there was a known, working training account for this purpose already. In any case now there is this account so, happy training : ) Edit: So I found that an account for this already exist and its name is TypeNormal. I wish I learned about it sooner but owell
  14. I am able to evolve (meadow). I can help by evolving spewpas for free.
  15. DipDip Reality stone Bubbles (heh) Thor. He's a sexy beast
  16. No it does not. It does not leave the pokemon with 1 HP.
  17. ign: DipDip I think I won more than +30 cosmogs so far but if you're giving them away for free I'll take my chances. Thanks for doing this btw.
  18. This is what I'm talking about, I edited the original post with a gif showing the bug.
  19. When paralyze heal is used in wild battle on a pokemon that's not paralyzed, the game crashes. Edit:
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