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Everything posted by Dark-Entei

  1. Can I have shadow charizard mega Y for anything in my trades?
  2. You don't need to complete side quests. You just need to complete the gyms of a region to unlock legendary Pokemons of that region.
  3. Battle misty once with 3 Pokémons and twice with two Pokemons . They should be both level 100. Then you can use the training account 100exp if something is left.
  4. Ign: Dark-Entei Thanks for the giveaway Good luck
  5. You can see them in the friends list it is at the top left corner when you open the MEMBERS Side bar
  6. So I choose shiny horsea, shiny blipbug, shiny oricorio Pau, shadow vigroth and shadow espurr,shadow ninetales,shadow fletching, shiny aipom and shiny tangela for kyurem. It is already in my trades you can offer these pokemons.
  7. It will be transferred to your account when the auction is over with 10% tax cut after auction is over. You never know until last second someone might even bid more PDS.
  8. You want kyurem? If yes, I will select 4 more uniques
  9. So, Can I have shiny horsea, shiny blipbug, shiny oricorio Pau, shadow vigroth and shadow espurr for mudkip?
  10. How many uniques of my choice for a normal legendary? For normal rare or for unique legendary
  11. Are you going to accept my offer on shiny oshowatt or not? What do you want for dark riolu
  12. I think you are probably right because I checked his auctions and saw he was taking money from many inactive accounts and he has 0 win. Calling this a hack I am not sure is right, he probably checked every account and guessed their passwords. What password did you have before? Was it something related to you ign if so matters would be much clear. He has many exp Pokemons and events in auction. I don't know what to make of it please look into this matter @Patrick and @flamescape because the ones I checked weren't his ot and were event caught. He has 0 wins and registered on 4th Jan. Many people are bidding on his events and exp. They could be taken from another account and the bidders would not want a Pokémon which is obtained by stealing. This could also mean mean that the pokemons were traded but that doesn't seem rights as many inactive users are bidding every pokedollar in his pokeball so it is better if this matter is looked into.
  13. Ign:Dark-Entei Thanks for the giveaway
  14. Thanks, there's an axew in my trade can offer there please
  15. Ign:Dark-Entei I will message in game
  16. I have darknown and dratinice
  17. Ign: Dark-Entei Thanks for the Giveaway
  18. You would have used unfair means to exp train something like a bot. Don't cheat and you would not be banned the admins can't help you if you cheat.
  19. Thanks can you offer it on my axew please
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