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Everything posted by glaceon001

  1. shouldn't this be under 'discussion'?
  2. looks at the election results

    ...oh my... please... no... take me canada, take me with you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eurstin


      Honestly, I'm tired of the "I'm leaving America" bandwagon. It's pathetic. If you don't like Trump, work to get a different president at the end of his term. It's unpatriotic to leave this nation because you dislike the president. Call me a misogynistic racist all you want, but all this Canada talk pisses me off. 

    3. desi987


      canada is awesome, they all just want a reason to leave the U.S

    4. eurstin


      Everyone who wants to move to Canada, aka the whitest country in North America, criticize Trump supporters of being racist. Why don't they want to go to Mexico? I'm a bit triggered...

  3. is it just me or do the forums look slightly different

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sportsandmusic69


      It happened when the forums got an update. So some things got fixed and some things got a little messed up.

    3. glaceon001
    4. glaceon001


      oh it was the tags in front of the topic names

  4. glaceon001 onision, onisionspeaks, onisionarchive, uhohbro, and laineybot anything that is pikachu related http://prnt.sc/d2rjco
  5. (although rare) you can find two in a row
  6. glaceon001 wooper mega blastoise donphan zoroark latios and latias thx
  7. someone may have guessed your password (assuming you have told noone and noone knows) and that may be why there are no people on the maps and the sidequests are reset (to get the people back just go to the options tab and click on for other players on the map)
  8. does anyone need a dang actually had to use shift pm me if you do
  9. some people don't like the dark version though...
  10. what about having a mod approve a thread?
  11. it should be wait until atleast two weeks old or something liek that.
  12. sorry, i thought you were talking to mrmag. sorry
  13. Not the community trade thread. PM him.
  14. i see those beauts of missingno.. rates for unique (excluding mystic)?
  15. people have done this before. i'm pretty sure I even have and i havnt gotten a warning point for that. so my answer is yes, but don't do it very often.
  16. Has something happened to the IRC chatroom? has it been taken down? the reason i ask is because I cant access it and it takes me to discord.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. glaceon001


      why is that a smiley face?

      and i had a dream. the irc server crashed and i got back on and it looked different then rob came on and we talked a bit. we were the only ones on.

      im gonna miss it

    3. GodsWithin


      Smiley face cause I hope I answered your question but yea I'm gonna miss it too! Brings back memories :( 

    4. glaceon001


      that face is better

      i agree

  17. @eurstin, I think he meant in game, like on a map.
  18. Go to View All Pokemon. Find the pokemon you want to check its happiness. Click on the pokemon's name. Towards the bottom of the tab is 'Happiness' If there is just [?], that just means you have no hearts on that pokemon. Were you clicking the [?] ?
  19. Happiness ~ here is a link to the happiness page on the wiki
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