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seth1129400 last won the day on June 12 2017

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370 Excellent

About seth1129400

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  1. @JaymzIsUS lol look what i just caught , glory days ;)




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JaymzIsUS


      Wow that's pretty rough 

    3. Patrick


      What Haxor69 was meant to say in a more descriptive manor is it seems you're both misusing the reputation system. While it's nice to rep everything someone may say because you found it complimentary or interesting, that's not what reputation is for. It's to upvote posts and comments that contribute towards the community.
      Good answers on a question topic for example. Upvote something like that so people who later read it know this is most likely a correct answer and well explained.
      Upvoting a comment on a status because someone said "thanks" is pointless, just say you're welcome.

    4. seth1129400


      @Patrick well thank u , we r sorry for what has happened, we will discuss on it and hopefully come to a conclusion, thank u @Haxor69 for warning us before and now we r clear of any misconceptions of the reputation system and r willing to use it for the purpose it was made, to upvote posts and comments that help the community but not anyone in person :)

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