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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by waybig

  1. I would recommend not getting into such trades in the future, unless you hold some kind of collateral of the exp trainer while he trains your Pokemon. The problem here is he has already traded the Pokemon to another trainer, so I'm not sure how getting it back will work. I hope it all works out though.
  2. This is a very interesting debate. The wall behind items like Red Orb and other Primal Reversion-esque items certainly helps maintain the rarity of the Pokemon, but having to reset sidequests to the start of Kanto can be annoying and grind-based. Maybe after beating all the sidequests, an option can be toggled where we can select the region we want to battle in so it doesn't take so long to grind for the required items?
  3. Is anyone willing to sell me a Metagrossite?
  4. Hi, I've been away from the game a while, so I might've missed something, but I have a Solgaleo and a Necrozma, how do I fuse them to create Necrozma-DM? I don't think the DNA splicers from the old Kyurem/Zygarde event work.
  5. Hey, I've requested to join your clan!
  6. necrozma from sidequests?
  7. I see the sprites of Paldea starters are here 🤠 pretty cool


  8. new maps are pretty wild😃

  9. whoa


    3 years since I last touched this game.


    7 years since I joined ! 


    Does anyone on here remember me?

  10. Basically, it's using bots to grind exp or other benefits. This isn't allowed as not everyone will have access to this kind of system. So to keep people from unfairly climbing the rankings, it is not permitted.
  11. Everyone going bonkers over discord 🤯🤯

    Me, who does not use discord


  12. Did I seriously win 2 days in a row for wondering whether maps could have music? Thanks guys:)

  13. Imagine if the maps had some chill music that made map hunting more fun! That would be amazing!!! @Patrick Do you think its a good idea?
  14. wow now the mascot of vortex is my avatar in game lol:^_^:

    1. Darshil_Irex


      srly its deoxys right

    2. waybig


      Not my forum avatar. My avatar in game is Deoxys

  15. Eh its almost perfect. Your idea is really cool
  16. I started Pokemon emerald again today. Felt Good

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. waybig


      Great! Though imo I prefer the X and Y games on 3DS. The original 2D games esp the ones on GBA are masterpieces imo 

    3. inteleon


      Do you have 3ds? What your friend code?

    4. inteleon


      I have X Y and ORAS and all poke 3ds games cause my 3DS is jailbreak

  17. Forget Dratinis, the Shiny Dialga which I lost in the data crash of 2016/2017 is back! welcome home Shiny Dialga

  18. Wait...how do you have legendaries in the 1st place without badges???
  19. wait dratini like the event ones or the regular dratini
  20. Dratini Trifecta complete. 10:02 AM GST. Map events are bae

  21. mega evos are now a bigger flex than legends and certain events :S

  22. ok I'm sorry for the spam but I Just THANKED PATRICK below for the event..pop back on to the maps and D R A T I N I L I C

    Use this post as a thank you Patrick area

  23. Also side note Thanks @Patrickfor launching my favourite trio of events.

  24. I love how the dragon map looks like that Mt. Chimney in Emerald where we fight Maxie/Archie.

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