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Status Updates posted by R3LOADED1

  1. Who won the rap battle? Eminem or MGK? 

  2. There's a new VortexBot command in the Official Pokemon Vortex Discord! The command !Missing <IGN> lets you see ALL the Pokemon you don't have in your account. Helpful for those trying to complete their Pokedex!

  3. Does any one have an account with a bunch of random uniques in them that I can go through to help complete my dex?

    1. eurstin


      I have a few. The majority are for trade :) (ign: eurstin)

  4. I have 69 Reputation points... my life is complete.

  5. Just to try and clear things up, The Pokemon Vortex Discord is currently down. It is not Pokemon Vortex's fault, Discord is having their own problems right now. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. R3LOADED1
    3. iZeus


      It has to be Patrick's fault. Pliss feaxe.

    4. R3LOADED1


      It's always Patrick's fault, lets just throw it on him xD

  6. Giveaway...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ViralV
    3. v3567


      > implying you have stuff to giveaway.

      I heard @cloudslayer135 got the last one.

    4. R3LOADED1


      @v3567 Not any more, @cloudslayer135 sold it to @LordSimaZhao. Then, @LordSimaZhao threw it into a fire. One nut is banned, the other is roasted... sounds like the story of my life in Vortex ;) 

  7. When you try to transfer 100+ spares out of one account into another, but you don't realize there is a 20 Pokemon limit. FeelsBadMan

    1. hhh123


      lol yes main problem!

    2. ViralV
  8. You'd better be alive. 'Cause I just resurrected :P 

  9. Can I copy write the use of Auction houses on the Forums? >_> 

    1. Abbas


      NO YOU CAN"T 

  10. This isn't important enough to make a guide, but remember, when you guys are creating auction houses, it still counts as a trading thread. Follow the rules.

  11. If the government is looking at us through our webcams, they're seeing a really salty kid through mine. #FeelsBadMan

    1. Phoenix


      lol, if it has to do with the event, I'm almost confident Patrick coded  No matches yet, keep trolling!  into the game.

  12. Bidding off Mystic Volcanion and Shadow Fairy. Post in this thread 


  13. Heyo, quick thing! I'm gonna be bidding off a Mystic Volcanion at the end of the Christmas Event, so hang on to all the Santapies, Digmas, and Pikamas's you can if you wanna buy my Mystic Volcanion :P 

  14. @Patrick gonna wake up in a body bag if this slots keeps up. ~ @sportsandmusic69

  15. Post below how much money you have, and how much money you plan on spending during the event.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phoenix


      Just look at Patrick and his  pmoney.gif729,742,000 :P

    3. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.


      @Phoenix u lucky. I prob. have the lowest money out of everyone on here. I had 1Mil until, I wasted it all on hyper potions/full heals for SQ/then I was a millionaire for the first time....FML...Sucks to be me...

    4. Santos45


      I have a lot and until I have every last one

  16. The giveaway was 100% rigged. I call hacks.

  17. Name me a really good movie to watch. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GodsWithin


      Now You See Me 

    3. ns1155


      Fantastic beasts and where to find them

    4. glaceon001


      the lovely bones

  18. I love how regular Forums user's chances are diminished because random, people with zero content can just come in and join a giveaway. #NotFair #MakeTheForumsGreatAgain

    1. CadderIy


      I guess not even all of multiple enterings can be caught when ppl use different ips

    2. R3LOADED1


      Join the discussion!

  19. Trading a Metallic Santapie for a Dark Santapie. Pm me :) Thnx in advance for helping out. 

    1. CadderIy


      Oh, you've started trading with my stolen santas? Sweet :) 

  20. If you want v4 to come quickly help @Patrick to catch all the Pokemon in Moon. 

    1. eurstin


      Or send him a bunch of cake :)

    2. R3LOADED1


      @Patrick Hasn't sent me his address yet, so I can't send him cake. #FeelsBadMan

  21. RIP Red, October 22, 2014 to October 26, 2016

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. himanshu24092002


      i can't believe it he was a real grinder

    3. R3LOADED1


      The auto-ban, dang it @Blackbeardt, you're next lmfao.

    4. 123Aman-2




      btw, Sciverspace new botter alert...


  22. I swear to God we need an 'un-do' button for threads >_>


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. R3LOADED1


      Not when you accidentally press control + a and type something >_>

    3. v3567


      I bet you'd like an undo buttons for trades too, if you know what I mean.

    4. R3LOADED1


      I'd bet you like un-ban buttons too, so would Red xD

  23. I have a Shiny Arceus Fairy UFT on IGN: Pheonix_Lancing. Offer your hearts out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. R3LOADED1


      You're a god, but ever you can't do that xD


    3. v3567


      Care to put your money where your mouth is? What if I could? Do I get the Shiny Arceus (Fairy)?

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