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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by red_wolf_

  1. im giving away a Shadow Charizard (Mega Y) 

    type your ign to enter

  2. yo if anyone want to battle in pokemon showdown

    my ign is red_ultrawolf

  3. you just now notice that
  4. do side quest you can get more than 10 million when you finish all of the regions
  5. 1. i dont know really 2. 3. cuz it got its own game and song 4. 5. 6. 7. necrozma z move
  6. what do you want for take a look at my pokemon ign:red_wolf_ and my storage account ign:the-god-of-darkness
  7. the tournament is going to start tomorrow
  8. give my necrozma back you think you can get rid of me that easy

    1. jonah24


      if i you don't get your necrozma back i can give you one if i can find one

    2. red_wolf_


      nah he gave it back

    3. jonah24
  9. just saying that he has hacked you wont fix this do you have proof to be sure it was him
  10. great now me and other people are targeted and now people are trying to hack/ban us btw anyone know why i'm confused

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. red_wolf_
    3. theblackninja


      I feel for you my man, I’ve been banned for no reason on other game forums, at least this one has a benevolent creator who will not ban with no evidence


    4. theblackninja


      Honestly the people who should be banned are the ones who are trying to ban people fro no reason.


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