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Everything posted by Dark-Entei

  1. Mystic Necrozma (Dusk Mane) IGN: Dark-Entei 2.25mil @SpheX I have 272,846k pds (Not lying) Well of course you aren't lying you do have 272,846"k" credits and that's pretty much makes you in the Top 100 users Im surprised that vortex has less than 100 people with that many pds
  2. You pretty much pointed the biggest problem yourself in here and you know there are many ways to exploit this system. Let's take your example, suppose someone wants to complete kalos region to get the fossil he wouldn't waste time going all the way there instead he will just grind the first 4 so what's the point of progression in sidequests? No person is even going to go till the kalos region even once by doing all 1651 battles. Maybe this can be improved by giving the sq point for that specific region. By this I mean if we complete the Unova region then I will get a point that can be used only to go to unova region or any regions below it not any of the regions above it. And also no points would be given for a sidequest resumed from a point.
  3. IGN: Dark-Entei I have always wanted to win an Arceus Unknown from the lottery and when I started I spent a lot of pds trying to win the lottery it was only later that I realised how difficult it was. The chances of getting an Arceus Unknown is equal and more luck based in here than in a lottery and that's why I'm participating.
  4. IGN: Dark-Entei I would like any set but Set 5 or 20 would be nice Thanks for the giveaway
  5. Your ideas are nice but I don't think any new star wars Pokemon would be added in star wars because Patrick had said that their would be no more new addition to the star wars collection. But that idea on bringing back Pikachu Jedi will happen sooner or later
  6. Congrats on 2 years on this Account 🥳🎉
  7. Just a bit more information, all moves having 160 or higher power deal 500 damage to Pokémons to which they are normally effected ( not resisted) so all the metallic and shiny Pokémons will be OHKO with these moves when normally affected. At the moment there are only 3 moves with 160 or higher power ( v create, prismatic laser and eternabeam). So the Pokemon which can learn these these moves don't need any more coverage moves. V create is learned by dratinire and victini, prismatic laser by necrozema and eternabeam by eternatus. When using these Pokémons we just need coverage OHKO moves against their resistant types.
  8. Ign: Dark-Entei Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too
  9. Favourite Pokemon - Greninja (Ash) Ign: Dark-Entei Merry Christmas
  10. Who all have played the star sweets event before? I still have 5 star sweets from the previous event because I forgot to evolve my milcerys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark-Entei


      Yes sure just give me the milcery that you want me to evolve.

    3. REAPERonIG


      for real ? thanks alot man


    4. Dark-Entei
  11. Eevee Christmas event was last to last year and caterpie christmas was last year so if it's a repeated event then it's probably the other Christmas Pokémons ( diglett and Pikachu). Or maybe Eevee Christmas with an evolution.
  12. Tangela (Christmas) Mostly it's Delibird Christmas because of the avatar but maybe not because the Delibird avatar for given to everyone last Christmas so he might be using it just for Christmas. Ign: Dark-Entei
  13. Yes for 60 lvl 6 it's 3m. For both lvl 6 and 7 it was 35k each I think.
  14. I didn't catch inkay for immunes I caught absol, poocheyana,etc. The rate you are offering is a bit low too. I don't think we can make a deal.
  15. I stored them for attempting the seasonal but I never used them so I have them now and I don't think I will attempt seasonals now so I don't need them.
  16. I have seen many new players from time to time ask about sidequests I think that this old forgotten post(whose link I will share) about sidequests should be pinned as it is very useful. This helped me a lot in sidequests and I hope it will help others too. Link of the post: I didn't think this was an idea as it was more of a suggestion so I put this in general section. Even if this is not pinned atleast more people will know about it now.
  17. I have about 200 dark type immunes right now in my alt, if you still want. If you have already made a deal with someone else then it's fine.
  18. If you want then you can use this docs as well. It has the same map and more or less the way of placing the different Pokemon's on different routes. It has many different things that may help you. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AJOL9Yh2mAK9nY0ugBAGPwmEArFSRslUmc9X373dDZY/edit?usp=sharing This was not made by me, it was made by Iamlegend707.
  19. I bidded, there was a bid on it already so can you tell sanathandsathvik to bid on some other pokeball as I bidded on this. Thanks.
  20. Ok deal, put the pokeball in auction and give me the auction code too I will bid after I bid then you can offer the greninjas.
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