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Everything posted by SofiX

  1. All my favourite pokes(this is what I had) ,,,(non-OT) I now have 2m exp. When I went to find Shiny Eevee and never found it:x5(+versions x2),x5,x2(now evolved into Slyveon) Clan:The League Never completed sidequests. Never had a dp. Never won seasonals. Never had a poke over 400k exp. Never got a Shiny Eevee. Never traded with premiums.
  2. What for all your Shiny leggies?
  3. To celebrate,I will be giving 1 Eevee and 1 Munchlax to the person who guesses what is my favourite poke! (No,the ones in my bio are not anymore my favourite. It is easy to guess,hence my attempts to get it.)
  4. Forums are not the place for this type of things. Please call "faces" avatars,and if you have a lot of things on sale,then make a forum with the exact list of things that you are selling. Also,this is a forum for "Trade" or anything similar,not for "Discuss the game". I hope this helps.
  5. I am currently waiting tommorow in his time,since I am also planning to trade for em.
  6. Aye! I have a Sylveon. Want it?

  7. SofiX


    You are looking for the Shiny Munchlax? He is rn trading it with me.
  8. SofiX


    And I have more then 10 Eevees,yet still looking for more.
  9. Hey! I need 1 Shiny Legendary. I will offer whatever you want from my profile (except the Deoxys,that one is a fee for exp training) for 1 shiny leggie.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SofiX


      I will accept the 1st trade. I just got another Eevee.

    3. SofiX


      Here. I put it in my trades.

    4. Dark-Entei
  10. Hey! I need 1 Shiny Legendary. U will offer whatever you want from my profile (except the Deoxys,that one is a fee for exp training) for a shiny leggie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SofiX
    3. jamorant


      I got one I got a shiny arceus

    4. SofiX


      I already traded for a Shiny leggie.

  11. Hey! I need 1 Shiny Legendary. U will offer whatever you want from my profile (except the Deoxys,that one is a fee for exp training) for the 2 shiny leggies.


    1. rayanthelegend


      which shiny legends


    2. SofiX


      Any ones.

    3. rayanthelegend


      talk to me in game chat

  12. Well,a Mewtwo evo+2 4 heart Eevees+anything from my profile+Rotom Wash+Villivon Fancy?
  13. What do you want for your Groudon Primal? Not pds.
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