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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by waybig

  1. Got myself a 24 hr egg! Something good had better come outta it :hype

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misty_lax


      I currently have 2 on incubator right now. Hope I'll get something special...

    3. waybig
    4. misty_lax


      Thanks but I didnt get anything special. Just a normal Pichu Christmas and Normal Digmas

  2. waybig


    Interested in the arceus forms and kyurem...Is what I'm offering
  3. I'm looking for Xurkitree @darrenkslim
  4. K so Is what I'm interested in. I'm looking to give one normal legend for it IGN waybig.

    PM ME

  6. @DaMilkMan What are your prices for 10-15 million exp
  7. just sayin those are event exclusive. u cant find those on map
  8. Dude I'm sorry about your ban, but i dont think accounts can even get unbanned in this game...besides create your own topic, dont spam someone elses question like eurstin said
  9. Happy bday @ronakcena512 thx and whats ur IGN?
  10. So according to ur rates u can train 15M exp for unique pikaamas and 2 cells? Also these are the best exp rates I have EVER seen
  11. There is no way to get them 'faster' regularly. It's a game of chance. I think the probability for getting a legend is 1/1000. So for every step you take you have a 0.1% chance of getting a legend unless I'm wrong about probability. Mods Correct me if I'm wrong Hope this helps.
  12. Hmmm....what about caterpie Christmas I hv a lot of rare stuff so I'm just gonna ask U if u want any.....unique mega latios, unique primal Kyogre etc just hop over to my IGN waybig
  13. Would u like a Volcanion For any of those Pokes?
  14. waybig

    Trade Threat

    Giratina's Origin form. It can be obtained by donating to votex on their store
  15. i have .,,and a bunch of other stuff off that list Lets start small. What would you give me for the shadow darkrai
  16. yeah...just got myself a Volcanion

    head over to my trade thread


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