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Pokémon Vortex

Iceflake's Giveaway

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Hey Everyone xD

Sooooo I'm gonna do a Giveaway  :P 

Now this will be judged by  a Radomiser.

Before I explain anymore I would like to introduce the prizes :ph34r:


First PrizeMetallic%20Pikachu%20(Christmas).gif

Second PrizeDark%20Diancie.gifMystic%20Uxie.gif

Third PrizeCobalion.gif

Not the best but who doesn't like FREE stuff :P 



Ok so the Rules are about as simple as the Prizes


1. Enter your IGN Ofc O.o

2. Tell me Why you play Pokemon Vortex (And are obviously addicted to it like me)

3. Pick a number between 0-100


Soooo hope 2017 is going good for you so far xD

And I think this giveaway will go for 48hrs coz I'm too lazy and impatient to make it go for longer :P 

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Sorry Everyone! Dark Santapie was changed to Metallic Pikachu Xmas coz I'm trading them :S 

All My Craters Players Back then those were the old days man :P 

Edited by Iceflake99109 (Trading Only)
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Ign twisted_killer

I play Pokemon vortex cause when I have free time there is nothing I have I can do so thts why i play for passing time or entertainment... 


Number : 54

Edited by Ahmed Qureshi
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Ign ps45

Reason is play this game becaus as u all know pokemon do not exist really so I think how ash nd his team enjoy pokemon so I too want to experience pokemon  world so Iplay  this game  the another reasonable thing  of this game is its the best online  game


Edited by Pratham Shetty
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