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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Replies posted by Patrick

  1. Just wondering what teams people are using for the battles. I'm using a dark kyogre, 2 mystic sableye megas, a dark sableye mega, a dark mewtwo mega x, and a shiny dialga. 

  2. Hello there
    How do I get my event tickets?

  3. image_11.png

    Necrozma Dawn Wings Preview.

    You're welcome.

  4. I haven’t checked the forums in ages so what’s new?

  5. lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. This has happened to me many times the problem is when i auction something on pokebay and tell other users to go bid on it they have a problem. My IGN is 990295233 if u enter it in the search bar in pokebay it does not show anything.

  7. Missingno.I thought the Ditto bug (where it doesn't transform into the opponent during wild battles) was gonna be fixed with v4's release? Missingno.

  8. Hello Patrick,


    Hope you are doing fine. I'm Suvankar may I Have your mail Id please need to discuss something regarding the pokemon Vortex. Hope to hear back from you.


    Thank you.

  9. Patrick will my account be returned to me. If not can i just have my arceus darks returned pls. My Shadow arceus dark and 2 dark arceus dark and mystic arceus dark and 11 normal arceus darks pls. Reply so im aware of whats happening thanks

  10. Hi, Patrick so nice of you because you created an awesome event that is Arceus (dark) I love that event and its my Top favorite event till now. I 100% enjoyed the event. Thanks a lot.

    I am proud to say i have caught Shadow Arceus (Dark)Arceus (Dark) and Dark Arceus (Dark)in just 36 hours. These 3 have became my favorite pokemon in vortex now. 


    A big thanks to Patrick.

  11. Hello Patrick

    Today i wasnt able to sign into my gmail account. Also i couldnt sign into my pokemon vortex account i tried to enter my password it kept saying incorrect then afterwards i contacted google they made me verify i was the holder of my google account and i had to change my password on my google account. Afterwards i changed my password on my pokemon vortex account. And it gave me an error message. Saying i have been banned. My account is Mazy i worked very hard during the event and caught around 13 arceus darks i played 12 hrs for 3 days. and after my account was "banned" i freaked out so i created a new account to search my pokemon to see if they were still there but my account no longer exists someone please contact the pokemon vortex representives in order for me to restore my progress and get my account back please. i am a huge fan of the game and wish to continue carrying in playing please help me @chris @patrick . Thanks everyone for supporting me as i am really upset for losing my account and will be much greatful if this issue is resolved thanks.

    Kind regards Mazy (Mahfuj)

  12. Is there a way to change the forum theme here? When I'm logged out I see a sleeker version but when I log in, it goes back to the old one. 

  13. Join Da Gang @ P0RYGANG

  14. Feels nice to have internet back.

  15. Hi Pat, 

    I have complained about getting multiple log-in bonus in the past. 


    Now I have received multiple bonus on different accounts today. 


    Please see to it that you don't start banning my account/s for this. 


    I have not done anything illegal to the best of my knowledge.

    So please don't ban my account/s. 

    Thank you. 

  16. sooo I guess there is no Star Wars event this year?

  17. hey patrick check this 

    wheather it is good or not?




  18. hi mods , please unban me from discord :( its been 2 months and am banned , please unban me @flamescape @sportsandmusic69

  19. The report bugs section has been cleaned up and all (except battle bugs - more on why later) have been addressed in the upcoming update. I would like to make a point to the people who are reporting bugs, a big thank you but I came across MANY duplicate reports, so can you please search the forums to see if the bug you are reporting has already been posted? It makes the process of fixing them much quicker as well as keeping the forums nice and clean. Thank you.

  20. yo Patrick you u should keep a summer event 

  21. I heard that there is a discord quiz which we can take.

    Can you tell it?

  22. Hi Patrick

    Pls see my election in pokemon vortex forums

    And you and your friends give some votes to any pokemon in the oppostion.

  23. Hey Patrick, 

    Please fix your daily bonus thing. 

    I have too many accounts and I don't try to get multiple gifts.

    But sometimes I get daily bonus on 2 accounts. 

    I don't do anything illegal. 

    It happens because of some bug from your side. 

    Please fix it as soon as possible. I am afraid you will start banning my other accounts because of your fault. 

    Thank you. 

    1. Patrick


      Because there’s nothing to fix, stop going on about it.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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