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Everything posted by 123Aman-2

  1. 123Aman-2


    what you want for your ??? @Just Parky
  2. IGN-123aman Innate (natural) immunity is so named because it is present at birth and does not have to be learned through exposure to an invader. It thus provides an immediate response to foreign invaders. However, its components treat all foreign invaders in much the same way. They recognize only a limited number of identifying substances (antigens) on foreign invaders. 306 in 28 sports Ty for the giveaway...
  3. aww that's sad to hear... but i hope you'll get back in v4
  4. @sas welcome back(too late tho) .. just wanna ask that have you regain interest in vortex after that break???
  5. "The points are calculated from your unique pokémon count, total experience, average experience, and total battles won. They are the same points as are displayed on the top 50 trainers list and are meant to show your relative progress. Don't be discouraged if they are really low, many of the people on the top trainers list have been here for a long time. " Extracted from https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/Home For any FAQ's - http://pokevortex.wikia.com/wiki/FAQs Hope this helped !!
  6. finally got it , but not as lucky as @seth1129400....2q9h1s2.png

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. seth1129400


      @123Aman-2 hah , still thats very hard to find :D good catch man 

    3. 123Aman-2


      yeah bro thanks.. :D 

    4. MichaelAnthonyWoodsonJr.
  7. metallic , dark,shimy dexes... oh yeah a shiny core in zygarde event also.....
  8. bla bla bla bla............... just increasing post counts so that @Haxor69 would suicide .... Lmao (JK ) I have a few flowers(flabebe) in my IGN-123aman ... please check them and tell what you need...
  9. that's good .. btw I'm not offencing here but only warned you as you are new...
  10. no problem.. then don't said me that i didn't Warned you if you get any warning by @sportsandmusic69 or @Uncle_Psychic or by any other moderator... RIP
  11. hey please edit it and not beeg for reputation.. or you will get banned... hope u understand.. it's against forums rules....
  12. 123Aman-2


    lol, most of the arceus forms that u want didn't exist yet.. Maybe in future (only if @Patrick wants ) then the event would come so please remove them from your wishlist...
  13. 8 mil exp for it.. and yea I'll surely check it..
  14. well you won't be banned but your Pokemon(s) will turn into a Vulpix or your Pokemon's exp would reset to 50,000 exp .. hope this helped..
  15. my pigeot mega that we discussed in PM for ray set??
  16. see this is training thread not trading bro....
  17. IGN-123aman I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. Obviously Marvel !! Avengers age of Ultron
  18. here is a new list of botters/cheaters @Patrick





    Gotze (a.k.a - pepeoe1)









    some of them are already banned. But still... :P u can consider them..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 123Aman-2


      found another one & that's for sure.. IGN-muthe 

      anyone can check if I'm wrong..

      here has set of pokedexes all OT himself..

    3. iZeus


      Shebang doesn't bot I guess.

    4. GodsWithin


      Let Pat decide about this. Honestly if you arent 100% sure that theyre cheaters DON'T accuse people. It's not cool that you dont have facts. Simply saying that an account is a cheater because of the amount of Dexs they have isnt smart.

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