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Everything posted by Dark-Entei

  1. No uniques are any variety except normal. If you do that a lot then but you will need atleast 1 Pokémon caught but only doing side quests wouldn't get you a lot of points, catching will get you more.
  2. Can i have Gallade mega(480k exp).ign: Dark-Entei thanks for the giveaway
  3. Dark-Entei

    Laggy map

    Keep your graphics low, it might help
  4. Oh got it just now, it was a refresh problem now its working, thanks
  5. Can you make this open to all? Like we don't need to ask for access but it is view only so none can edit. I don't know how to do it exactly but there is a feature so the user does not need an email to enter, more people can see it that way
  6. 1) Captaincam1 2) entering a contest which had ended(when I was new) 3)vulnerable 4)vitol 5)nopost( you did not say nopost is unallowed) 6)zhon 7)Noone 8)Ashplayz I guess 9)Pokemastersaku 10)Darkriders 11)Patrick 12)anand27 but without it I would not have been able to last second bid now 13) I might have but mostly no 14)it was good afterall I did these things😁
  7. Only 100k, no Ultra beast is with that less they are worth a lot more. Some are also with more than 30 million
  8. Use this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ev0vfL99DmaBI9vrFZ9G37v4qBAgsTEnBkTw2oboCL0/edit#gid=1087887082 You will find the location of all Pokemon's. Check this too:https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/List_of_Pokemon_By_Location&ved=2ahUKEwik8ay55s_tAhVdwzgGHczyAl4QFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw34Ln6RmeXMPeTeiSI_GgUL&cshid=1608029015621
  9. Dark-Entei


    It had your ot that's why I suppose.
  10. That is a good idea but what about ot. We would have to change every single pokemon you caught. The auctions that you have bid on would have to change the name. Some people catch hundreds of pokemons how will all those ot change? Your idea is really good but that much work is really difficult and there are already more important things that are priorities for example the upcoming event.
  11. I checked. It's lvl 37 with 18.5 k exp
  12. Why did you dislike my comment for no reason that to an old one now? You disliked everyone's comment for no reason. Don't continue this or everyone will start to hate you.

  13. You don't need to rely on signs only. Use this map: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ev0vfL99DmaBI9vrFZ9G37v4qBAgsTEnBkTw2oboCL0/edit#gid=1087887082
  14. I don't know but with the necrozema event coming I don't think it will be soon we will know next year in event calander. If you doubt then keep an alt account in galar sidequest. But it's a guess not sure.
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