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Pokémon Vortex


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Everything posted by Sneezeball

  1. well you are not using it so
  2. Both of you are wrong. He made his account on 23/11/2021, 10:32:25
  3. Theres a channel on discord for that
  4. What the hell are you reporting? Someone kicked you out of THEIR clan? You also said in title its not 100% true so, are you lying? What? Read the subforum rules before posting So its you who is making a false report (you never even said who got scammed or provided any sort of proof lol) so I hope you do get banned for that.
  5. All of this has pretty much been suggested before. How would z moves work? Sounds way too complicated for no reason, seasons work pretty good the way they are now. If pvp didnt happen until now, I doubt it will ever plus it wouldnt really work with how battle system works in vortex atm. Gigantamax pokemon have been in pokedex ever since galar pokemon were introduced, so that will happen at some point. Raid battles would be a great way of obtaining them. Probably the most suggested feature, there are reasons to add it and there are reasons to not it up to devs to decide whats the best way. Wonder trade used to be in game, but it was removed because no one used it, I doubt it will return. All new pokemon get added eventually so will new pokemon from legends games. All mega evolutions are in game including few fake ones.
  6. Yea its fine, selling specific ones can be a pain and I dont need them so its great if they go to someone aiming to complete dex. Id say catching everything is optimal and evolving them right away if possible.
  7. You can look at my trades list for whatever you need. My ign is sneezeuniques, just offer whatever you want.
  8. Devs: Lets spend numerous amount of hours to replace a very old system with something that looks better and modern. You: ef you BrInG bAcK oLd MaPs There was kind of a poll when new maps were first introduced for few days and almost everyone voted for new maps. Having two different maps ruins the value of things.
  9. That would be useful, but you cant even filter out pokemon or items. When/if that happens, sorting by exp should be available as well.
  10. Colored name is a perk for premium users, it would be good if they could choose their color, not everyone.
  11. Lol. None of that broke the rules. Look at the rules for trade subforum.
  12. Yea I usually reply with things like that because when they try to explain themselves they usually see why its a bad idea.
  13. There are no privacy issues with discord whatsoever. Sure making account and using a lot of different sites gets annoying, but it takes like 5 minutes to do it and check what you want and leave. If your parents dont allow it, you are not supposed to use discord either its 13+ So none of your reasons make any sense. Who doesnt have a phone lmao. Every 8 year old has a phone in 2021. And like I said above, if your parents dont allow you something you are too young and discord is 13+
  14. For some people here, based on how they act, it seems like it is.
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