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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. 3 Co-Leaders, 10 Elitists.
  2. You’re using attacks that have low accuracy and are getting some bad luck, there’s no problem with the accuracy of attacks.
  3. People don't get banned for using training accounts. You were banned for automating battles either through a mouse recorder, script, browser extension, program, tool or macro.
  4. Clan Changes 2019/2020 Effective immediately, clans will no longer be able to hold 400 members. The Capacity is now set at 100 members per clan. What does this mean for clans that already have over 100 members? They will remain over capacity until the clan condenses their own member list or when the next content update drops (the mobile update) - Those clans will automatically have their member list condensed on a random basis of member kicks. How long do clans have to organise their own member list to be 100 or below? The date is uncertain but I urge you to do it as soon as possible. Who will be removed from a clan if the member list is left above 100 at the time of the next update? All users with roles (Leader, Co-Leader, Elitest) will be left in the clan. Members without a role will be randomly chosen to be removed until the clan is left at 100 members. Why was this change made? Multiple reasons. The first being a preparation for the "Clan Skills" update. The second reason being hopefully this will spread players out a bit more across multiple clans, making the Top Clans leaderboard a bit more competitive and interesting for the upcoming clan updates we have planned. If you know anyone who runs a clan, please spread this notice on so they can have a chance to organise their own clan without us intervening. Thank you.
  5. I don't see why you needed to create a bug report for this when you clearly know how daily login rewards work. Someone (or yourself) is using the same network to log into two accounts so only one is getting the reward, it's that simple. There's no bug here.
  6. That's not a bug, it was just easier to implement that way for a temporary feature. If eggs were a permanent thing, I wouldn't have made it work that way. You're the first to notice/mention it though so good for you
  7. A Pokémon must contribute to the battle to earn experience. There’s no way to share experience to Pokémon that weren’t used in the battle.
  8. It's started and you don't need an event ticket.
  9. That's a server error, not a ban. Don't worry about it.
  10. You don’t need an event ticket for this event, the event center will open for everyone on December 5th to start hatching eggs.
  11. We have had art sub-forums, general chat sub-forums and multiple other sub-forums in the past. They were removed with the launch of v4 because forums as a whole platform for communities just aren't as popular as they once were with the younger generation. I have asked countless people over the years why they don't like using forums and the most popular answer is "It's too complicated" or "I don't know how to use them" With the decline in interest of forums, I decided to remove all the non-game related sections and just stick to what's important for the game. It's very unlikely I'd ever add general or art sub-forums back, sorry.
  12. The discord link found everywhere on Vortex (https://discord.gg/pokemonvortex) does not expire. We do not have temporary invite links so if you find it does not work then you're banned from the server.
  13. You can check the value of things on our Discord using the command !value Arceus avatar in the channel #bot-commands.
  14. When you bid on an auction, you will be the current highest bidder. This money is taken from your account and held by the game until either the auction ends or you are outbid by another player. When you get outbid, your bid is instantly returned back to your account. If the auction ends and you are still the highest bidder, then your bid goes to the seller (Minus a 10% tax) So to answer your question, no, you’re not supposed to get your bid back unless someone outbids you. You are spending the money on the auction.
  15. Once accounts are banned for breaking the Terms of Service, it is permanent whether the account holder or someone they gave access to the account was the one at fault. It is your responsibility to keep your account safe and following the rules.
  16. Yes you can create a new account, that's perfectly fine. Unfortunately once an account was found breaking the rules, regardless of who is behind the screen doing it, the account will be permanently banned. It is the account owners responsibility to secure and keep their account safe. It's sad that someone else got you banned but that's the risk you run when you let someone play on your account.
  17. Starting November 1st 2018, the Pokémon contents of Mystery Boxes will be changed monthly to resolve two issues within Pokémon Vortex's trade and auction economy. The first issue being that some old event Pokémon are impossible to obtain due to very low numbers of them existing. The second issue is that the current Mystery Box Pokémon drop of Rotom forms are too high and rapidly lose value as more boxes are obtained and opened. SO, the change, effective immediately will be that old event Pokémon (but not seasonal event Pokémon such as Halloween or Christmas) will be rotated through Mystery Boxes monthly starting off with November's Mystery Box Pokémon - Volcanion This Pokémon will be rotated out of Mystery Boxes on December 1st 2018 and so on, on monthly intervals. Here is a list of the following changes through to the end of September 2019: November 1st 2018 - November 30th 2018 December 1st 2018 - December 31st 2018 January 1st 2019 - January 31st 2019 February 1st 2019 - February 28th 2019 March 1st 2019 - March 31st 2019 April 1st 2019 - April 30th 2019 May 1st 2019 - May 31st 2019 June 1st 2019 - June 30th 2019 As of June 1st 2019, the avatar pool of Mystery Boxes will no longer be exclusively "Premium Avatars". Instead, it will have the chance to drop every single avatar except those reserved for special occasions such as Exclusive Auctions. July 1st 2019 - July 31st 2019 August 1st 2019 - August 31st 2019 September 1st 2019 - September 30th 2019 October 1st 2019 - October 31st 2019 As of November 1st 2019, the Pokémon pool of Mystery Boxes will no longer be exclusively one Pokémon. Instead, every past event Pokémon will be included and as events are rolled out and end, that Pokémon will join the Mystery Box Pokémon pool. Hopefully these continued changes monthly will make these Pokémon more widely available over time.
  18. @Deltascourge come and talk to me on Discord. This "question" has already been answered - It doesn't matter how many times you mark it as unanswered, the question forums are not for discussions, debates or ban appeals.
  19. You were banned for automating game play with third party scripts/programs.
  20. Only Stakataka from USUM was added as part of an ultra beast event. All other USUM content is coming in a future update as Auke said.
  21. There is no relation between the two websites but we both use Invision Community software for our forums it seems. It is used by thousands of websites from all over the world.
  22. @humberto101 The email attached to that account is - h******o.j**a.s*********o@hotmail.com
  23. This answers what happened perfectly.
  24. It's never safe to train for experience. That's all there is to say on it.
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