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Everything posted by dades

  1. That’s Lavens alt, says cap , I’m not sure though
  2. ign is dades. I dont really watch basket ball but thank you so much
  3. learn to read, in the login page its written clearly not to give your pass to anyone. see? this is why children should read books. anyways, you havent sent any proof at all. admins wont be able to help then
  4. Use dark scrafty with fling, use dark steeix is with gyro ball, I’d rate it a solid 9 if you do that
  5. lmao this is the worst deal ever, all these are for 15k each
  6. dades


    hi, my ign is dades, id like to get the 5million exp training
  7. lmao the lottery is like gambling, you didnt even get a single ticket, therefore you didnt get any money. same goes to mystery boxes.
  8. It’s not a bug, it is supposed to be like that, basically you have to catch that pokemon three time and all three should be different forms if you wanna fill the Pokédex. Cancer, I know
  9. all scammers are not matelenski, this one might be someone new, an unexperienced scammer
  10. laughs in dark victini with 563 base dmg
  11. you visited daily for a week, so you got the dedicated badge
  12. 1:4 is the rate, but if you want cheap and fast exp training, ask for someone named 'hamarna'
  13. @veerkv quickly claim your prize
  14. hey mate, how much would you pay for a dark victini with 563 base dmg and 700k xp also i have a mystic arceus steel, your previous offer for it was 12 million, so is it fine?
  15. Hola amigo, ¿está bien si doy zamazenta mística para tu sombra de arceus?(
  16. hola, por favor envíe capturas de pantalla de usted y la conversación de los estafadores y de él teniendo sus pinchazos
  17. You can already do it in forums mi amigo
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