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10 hours ago, rishivojjala014-2 said:

looking for Shadow Groudon (Primal)OR red orb, willing to give 10 Unique legends  or normal cosmoem/ solgaleo , or 40 unique pokemon, or message me we can negotiate
my ign ; rishivojjala014-2

I have red orb, I want 50 Unique Pokemon ok?

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Guys plz tell me what is an armor worth anyway also sorry godswithin ii admit I was greedy and I paid the price I got cheated for an armor I list all my events for it now I want to trade it plz comment


I also want to trade a shadow missing no and a shiny lunala plz Reply with ur best offer can I get a donation for it

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5 hours ago, josephlegendry said:

Guys plz tell me what is an armor worth anyway also sorry godswithin ii admit I was greedy and I paid the price I got cheated for an armor I list all my events for it now I want to trade it plz comment


5 hours ago, josephlegendry said:

I also want to trade a shadow missing no and a shiny lunala plz Reply with ur best offer can I get a donation for it

Dont double post ... Use the EDIT button. @Uncle_Psychic @sportsandmusic69

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The following unique pokes are uft in VitolUniques and I exchange them for 10-20 pokemons of ur choice that u want to get rid of (example,normal Bonslylvl 7), or whatever u catch. I will pick just some offers so my plan is not selling all of them.




Metallic Baltoy

Metallic Karrablast

Metallic Purrloin

Metallic Sentret
Metallic Shuckle
Metallic Skarmory
Metallic Steelix
Metallic Tentacool
Metallic Trubbish
Metallic Venonat

Metallic Wynaut

Metallic Zangoose
Metallic Zorua



Dark Ferroseed
Dark Trubbish

Dark Trubbish
Dark Venonat



Mystic Binacle
Mystic Burmy (Sand)
Mystic Burmy (Steel)

Mystic Drowzee

Mystic Glameow
Mystic Gligar
Mystic Heracross
Mystic Inkay
Mystic Kangaskhan
Mystic Liepard
Mystic Makuhita
Mystic Pawniard
Mystic Phanpy
Mystic Ponyta
Mystic Purrloin

Mystic Rattata
Mystic Scraggy
Mystic Sentret
Mystic Slugma
Mystic Slurpuff
Mystic Snubbull
Mystic Spinarak

Mystic Spiritomb

Mystic Starmie
Mystic Swirlix
Mystic Throh
Mystic Trubbish
Mystic Yanma



Shadow Binacle
Shadow Bronzor
Shadow Buneary
Shadow Bunnelby
Shadow Burmy (Plant)
Shadow Burmy (Steel)
Shadow Drilbur
Shadow Drowzee
Shadow Ekans
Shadow Elgyem
Shadow Ferroseed
Shadow Ferroseed
Shadow Foongus
Shadow Foongus
Shadow Golett
Shadow Golett
Shadow Heatmor
Shadow Heracross
Shadow Heracross
Shadow Houndour
Shadow Inkay
Shadow Inkay
Shadow Inkay
Shadow Karrablast
Shadow Kricketot
Shadow Mankey

Shadow Noibat
Shadow Noibat
Shadow Onix
Shadow Panpour
Shadow Seel

Shadow Skarmory
Shadow Skrelp
Shadow Snubbull
Shadow Snubbull
Shadow Spinarak

Shadow Tangela
Shadow Tauros

Shadow Trubbish
Shadow Trubbish
Shadow Venonat
Shadow Woobat
Shadow Wynaut
Shadow Yanma
Shadow Yanma

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8 hours ago, seth1129400 said:

guys i am looking for set of sableyesDark SableyeMystic SableyeMetallic SableyeShadow SableyeShiny Sableye

, if anyone has them contact me as i can offer multiple unique non leggies of ur choice fro them , i can even trade set  for normal/unique legend

@seth1129400 PM me on discord man!

5 hours ago, rishivojjala014-2 said:

looking for
shiny deerling autumn ,,
metallic deerling spring ,,
dark deeling summerand
mystic deeling summer , mystic deerling winter
pm me will give 2 unique pokemon for each from ign; uniqueslancing

hmm, I am LancingUniques weird.

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