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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. No, that's not true. You can find out how to get specific avatars on the wiki: https://wiki.pokemon-vortex.com/wiki/List_of_Avatars
  2. Having a custom URL has nothing to do with "fame", it's just about taking the time to set up your channel correctly Vortex's YouTube channel is not used and has a custom url: https://www.youtube.com/PokemonVortex This is not a bug or error so I'll be closing it.
  3. Yes, there are no limitations to unlocking an avatar unless it's part of an event.
  4. Please do not create trade topics for a single Pokemon, that is what the community trade thread is for:
  5. Please do not create trade topics for a single Pokemon, that's what the community trade thread is for:
  6. It's been corrected, thanks. For future bug reports, you do not need to tag us in the topic, we already check the topics, you don't need to drag us here. And your "link" is specific to you, no one that isn't on your computer can see it.
  7. Patrick


    Please don't use this section for trivial things like Pokemon locations, you can easily find that information on the wiki. The Q&A forums is for people who need help beyond the ability of self-help through google searching or the wiki.
  8. That's a rate limiting error - You're not actually banned in the sense that you have lost your account or cannot access the website any more, it just means you're logging in and out too fast. Do not attempt to log in for 15 minutes and it will work fine for you again.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_letter Just ignore it.
  10. The game clan to forum clan link is no longer an option, it was only used for giving clans avatars and not to it's full potential and intended use of giving clans their own space to speak. There are much better ways of handling avatars for clans which will be added in a future update.
  11. That's not all you did but even so, that alone is against the rules:
  12. The person who trained 1,161,048 experience of it (meetqwer) was banned for automating processes of the game and so his experience contributions of all Pokémon are removed. This is the risk you run having other people train your Pokémon for you and we advise not to do it. Sorry that you had to suffer for other people's wrong-doing.
  13. Hi, this isn't a bug, the list just requires a secondary ordering which isn't currently specified. If you want something like this, it is something that should be put in suggestions which you can do here: https://forums.pokemon-vortex.com/forum/40-provide-ideas-feedback/
  14. Hi, can she contact us herself, please? Also I would advise doing it on discord as it would result in quicker responses on this type of thing. https://discord.gg/pokemonvortex Message an online developer, thank you.
  15. It was likely that the Necrozma was also burned in the same move and the burn took the remaining 25HP. It is impossible to say with any accuracy without a screenshot or video. If this happens again, please provide a screenshot or video of the battle output so it can be reviewed correctly, thank you.
  16. Your screenshot shows no option to link to a forum account, this means you already linked a forum account to that game account. Whether it's the forum account you're on now or another, this action is irreversible. It's nothing to be concerned about anyway, it has no visible effect on your game or forum account.
  17. Starting January 20th 2021, the legacy map system will no longer be available for the accounts that currently had access to them (accounts that pre-date v5) This will mean every player, new or old, will no longer have access to them. It was always our intention to phase this old system out and a new year seems like a better time to put this into effect than any. If you are currently a user of the legacy map system, you do not need to do anything and on January 20th, if you are still set to be using this system, you will be automatically moved over to the superior v5 map system. If you were using the legacy map system because your hardware struggled to run the new map system, we have since added graphic options that may help you which can be found by pressing the settings cog under the clock:
  18. No there isn't. If a Pokémon knows a move it cannot currently learn then it's because it had that move from an older move set either base or purchasable.
  19. lolmods One of the perks of the reinvented map system is that it's much harder to skip things than previously, one of the ways this was achieved is that when something spawns, it will stick around for more than a single tile movement so what you had happen here is that the Vibrava spawned in the grass but you were moving into the water as it spawned which made it appear to have spawned in the water. I can assure you, it didn't. In places like Route 7 or Wild Overgrowth where you have small bodies of water within patches of grass, you will probably see this a lot, it's not a bug and is working as intended.
  20. How does buying less tickets make it any better for you, other than you spent less? Your chance of winning is not better if everyone could only buy a single ticket.
  21. Thank you for your apology, it's rare someone here admits their wrongdoing, so we appreciate it. Your ban has been lifted and you can join back at the usual invite link: https://discord.gg/pokemonvortex
  22. You are mistaken. Mystery Boxes are not sidequest prizes and even if they were, the wiki is maintained by players so anything incorrect, missing or outdated can be sorted yourself or by another player.
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