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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by Auke1993

  1. The Pokémon Trading Card Game for the Gameboy Color. Let's play that on stream.


    1. jamorant


      I didn't know you had a twitch I couldn't find yours when I went to see if you had one.

    2. Auke1993


      My username is Auke1993 pretty much anywhere.
      I always stream on Saturday. I sometimes stream on other days too, like today.

  2. I've created a new Tutorial video for Pokémon Vortex. This video explains the Happiness stat in detail, and how to increase it quickly and effectively. 


  3. New Vortex Quiz record! 201 coins!!! https://ibb.co/68NJHyP

    1. red_wolf_
    2. xVx-Oreo


      i coudnt get a answer off bc it was locked when my message showed up my gma wifi slow

  4. During the stream yesterday, we had something happen that I had to upload to Youtube. I don't think this is going to end soon. 


    1. red_wolf_


      XD the video title explains all my pains in pokemon red rescue team

    2. Auke1993


      Haha. Monster Houses can be very deadly.
      This though is way worse that what you'd see in a standard playthrough.

  5. It looks like I'm only 5 subscribers away from hitting 2000 on my Youtube channel.

    1. HyperPanther



    2. Captaincam1


      Congrats keep posting videos fun to watch.

  6. Pokémon Gold continues with a trip to Loch Ness. Or the bottom of Union Cave, it's the same thing. 


  7. I have a timed challenge for you all on Pokémon Vortex. Let's go shiny hunting!


    1. dades


      Good vid auke!

    2. Auke1993


      Thank you. I appreciate it.

  8. The Pokémon Gold walkthrough continues! Time to get ourselves the 8th badge, and maybe even beat the Pokémon League! 


    1. Lemon_Beats


      i,m confused i was offline in 2020 december sorry it was vacay. im impress thanks for the suprise. among us my favorite game im going to be the best player!!!!!!!!!!!!. oh and im trying to know all the pokemon and catch it like goh!. and sorry. im good at papers keep doing online good for the events where to start. i learn my speling by doing my online my favorite pokemon 



    2. Auke1993


      Playing videogames can help you learn a language.
      Most games are in English where I live, so I learned some English by playing games.

  9. How did I get a Level 17 Pidgeot again?

    1. Tritre
    2. Auke1993


      I don't remember.

  10. I'm in the finals of the Pokémon Initials Tournament!
    Click on this status update for the video!


    1. VITOL
    2. Auke1993


      Thank you. I appreciate it.

  11. I may be back actively participating in an event, but my luck does not seem to have changed.
    I have so far been unable to encounter any Hoopa in the wild.

    1. eeveecuteness



      I left 2 variants to catch but can get it


      My luck is bad

    2. inteleon


      well at least i caught some hoopas...

  12. Just a week remaining, and then it will be Vortex V4's 1st birthday!
    YAY!!! PARTY!!!!!

  13. If I were to record a new Pokémon Vortex video today, what would you like to see?

    1. Captaincam1


      Maybe like a shiny starter hunt lol

    2. Auke1993


      That could be a nice idea.
      I did to a hunt for a Shiny Heatran recently. Although more rare, it'd be similar to something I'd done recently, so I may put that idea on hold for a bit.

  14. In just over 4 hours from now, we make a final push for the Seasonal Top 100.


    1. porymon
    2. Auke1993


      Next giveaway?
      What are you referring to?
      You're saying 'next', suggesting there's been one before. It has been so long since I've done one. Are you referring to one of mine, or someone else's?

  15. I will take over ALL of the kingdoms!


  16. I'm cashing in my Money in the Bank contract for a WWE Championship opportunity. What do you mean the best I can get is a Dratini? 


  17. I've been playing some older Pokémon games such as HeartGold.
    It's been a long time since I've played through them. It's good fun.

    1. red_wolf_


      i find this funny because i was playing SoulSilver yesterday

    2. eeveecuteness


      i played kirby and the amazing mirrorNoodles Ramen GIF

  18. Let's roll some marbles! It's a very simple game that YOU can join in on too!


    1. SofiX


      How to do this? I am intrested


    2. Auke1993


      If you're in Twitch chat, all you have to do is type !play.
      Then a marble with your name will enter the race, and can earn points for you.

  19. After having missed out on the Greninja (Ash) event, I have now been able to get my hands in a standard Greninja (Ash). Now to get the 5 variations.

    1. tazzer


      Wait @Auke1993 you missed Greninja Ash event?

    2. Auke1993


      In a sense, yes.
      I misremembered how long it would take. I didn't do anything for the happiness training until last weekend, thinking I could stream then and do it all at once. Unfortunately, the event had ended by that point.

  20. My clan reached the Top 100! Yay!

    1. v3567


      An achievement that rings hollow but congratulations anyway!

    2. jumpdafukupp
  21. I promised it, so the Pokémon Vortex V5 livestream is now on Youtube.

    Click on this status update for the link.


    1. waybig


      uh. WHAT IS THIS

    2. Auke1993


      This is a Pokémon Vortex V5 livestream I did on Twitch a few days ago.
      I edited it slightly and uploaded it to Youtube afterwards.

  22. It's the final day of the Vortex March 2018 Season!
    Let's make that push to finally break into the Top 100!
    Click on this status update for the video.
    1. -Darkrai-


      Bro I really love your channel I subbed gl in your next videos! 

    2. Auke1993


      Thank you.
      I appreciate the support.

  23. If you've not played Magikarp Splash yet, get on Pokémon Vortex now!
    It's a fun game with amazing prizes only available today!
    Click on this status update for the video.
    1. -Darkrai-


      sadly , i think the event was a waste of time , anyways my top score was 110 , that's all i reached :( 

    2. Auke1993


      I liked that you could get really good rewards if you got far.
      If I had the time, I'd have certainly tried for those rewards.
      My high score came in this video.

  24. Something tells me we'll be able to get Arceus (Ghost) soon.
    I won't say when, but it will not take that long.
    Calling it now.

    1. LuvstoryofRupNUsha


      ^-^ Hope So ^-^ Shiny Arceus (Ghost)

    2. -Darkrai-


      yes!! wooooooooo hoooooooo ! it'll be fun :) and awesome!! thanks auke !

  25. I finally got a 24-hour Egg yesterday.
    I just checked, and it's a Pichu (Christmas)!

    1. Shiny-davidje


      Today I hatched a METTALIC pichu (Christmas).   







    2. waybig
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