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Pokémon Vortex


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Status Updates posted by red_wolf_

  1. welp i cant get my old account back so i made a new one feel free to add my on my new discord user red.#3891

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. red_wolf_


      Also my cheese stick when I found out I got hacked

    3. eeveecuteness


      sorry for you loss red

    4. Pokechampionpikachu


      Sorry for your discord account being hacked. 

  2. can anyone get me a mewtwo evolution promocode a some cosmog codes i am willing to give my volcanion and do exp training

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xVx-Oreo


      valcanion is bettetr

    3. Sobbler


      Sorry man, i can't but ima try!

    4. DarkRagePlayzYT


      hey i want vlocanion i will give zygarde complete for it

  3. I have started a new give away hope you guys enjoy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dinosaurx


      What are the prizes ???

    3. Calebarmstrong10


      How do I become rank 1 on the seasonals

    4. eeveecuteness


       catch new pokemon,battle

  4. makeing a store in vortex opening soon :D 

    what will be on sale high exp pokemon

    rare pokemon like starters and rare spawns

    legendaries and ubs

    opening date february 13th

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Afcacther
    3. Aplays11


      tell me prices pls

    4. WOLFboy007


      If u have some ub i want, i will have a metallic buzzwole for trade

  5. Top ten Pokemon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dades


      Wtf how could you forget deoxys

    3. Captaincam1


      I knew that you would add it on your list so I didnt put it on mine max fuller season 4 GIF by Fuller House

    4. PL00PSIE_


      1.mega blastoise


      3.mega charizard x



      6.hoopa unbound

      7. dialga




  6. Time for the word of the day is its better that have a true enemy instead of fake freinds

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Godzilla123456


      il give a better word of the day, pineapple does not go on pizza.

    3. Lethal_Entity


      Fake friends better, once you figure out they're fake ;) perfect to use to as tools since there's no problem if they leave anyway might as well use them till the limit.  🤑

    4. Godzilla123456
  7. I leave for 5 days and now there's a event geez I guess I'm back for a bit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. red_wolf_


      Not for long just until the events over

    3. SofiX


      At least until the event is over!

    4. red_wolf_


      Yeah I'm only returning if there a event

  8. Not the best photo but... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captaincam1


      Wheres the photo lol

    3. dades


      ?.? You have covered your face 

    4. HyperPanther


      Hehe nice photo. At least I’m not the only one with glasses lmao

  9. After hours of work I finally got the full hoopa set finished twice in my alt now time for my main account

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dqrk


      Really wish I got hoopa I didn't get one

    3. tazzer


      WOW! red That's quiet establishment. Congrats From Zacian Master!

      Zacian (Crowned)

    4. Glazio


      nice on3 congratz👌🏻

  10. Anyone remember pokemon brick bronze

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cursed_charmander12
    3. pokemonbattlegodash
    4. SobblePlayz


      I do even tho i never played, and now roblox deleted all roblox games but stupid lumian legacy

  11. Sonic can beat goku

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SobblePlayz




      and can u add me on discord SobblePlayz#6682

    3. ResSInferNoX


      i don’t think so He can,But in speed Sonic can beat Goku

    4. legend_gaming
  12. how to not do stupid

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anrose


      nice question Red_wolf

    3. Anrose


      its all about facts

    4. red_wolf_


      ok cool i have done stupid

  13. i know i might be hated due to the current situation ill share my side of the story later

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. red_wolf_


      not anyone but you know i sometimes regret helping eeveecuteness after she got scamend after i helped her hes took advantage of my kindness in helping others thats why i rarely give pokes away these days

    3. Punz


      Did she scammed somebody

    4. Captaincam1


      Red you got my support

  14. I found out how to become friends with girls first be kind to her and become close to her second get her trust then lastly ask her out and she will say I only see you as a friend

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dades
    3. HyperPanther


      But don’t make the move if ur a Muslim like me

    4. candy_fudgekin


      Hm good strategy to get friends... I might try it on this one person

  15. DO69-FRZ9-GX38 feel free to claim this

  16. hello im doing a random giveaway where you can win random legendaries

    pick a number 1 or 2 to win

  17. @NightPhantom what number am I thinking of one ore two get this right I'll give you something pds or a legendary or a event

  18. Does anyone even play pokemon unite 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Siborg101710


      i do my name on pokemon unite is kado


    3. red_wolf_


      Finally I found people who play I haven't played since December can someone tell me what these pokemon medals are I'm confused btw my user is Nintendo3ds or TKScythe I made two accounts so I could get Nintendo3ds as a user lol

    4. Ken2k


      The Pokemon medals are used to raise one of your Pokemons stats, such as HP or attack, but also lower one of your Pokemons other stats.

  19. yo if anyone want to battle in pokemon showdown

    my ign is red_ultrawolf

  20. should i make more art like thisAWI5U.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. red_wolf_


      dont tell cursed charmander but i am going to make a happy b day pixel art for him tomorrow

    3. Nuttyash
    4. Aplays11


      I like it make a blue one

  21. what is up guys i am going to do a 25 followers giveaway top prize is 2 event pokemon this give away will take place tomorrow so be prepared

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