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Pokémon Vortex

Marky's Giveaways #BFTL

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Hola Amigos!

The forums have been dead lately. I'm not a generous person usually but I'll be hosting almost regular giveaways with different rules/terms.

Why so generous?

I started playing vortex (after crater) and all that I have rn is due to forums i.e. by trading, giveaways on forums etc.

#BFTL = Bring Forums To Life

I hope someone else joins in too. I'd really appreciate. :^_^:





Post with your ign? No.

Post with a number? No.

All you have to do is answer the question incorrectly:

Who is the current owner of the game (v4)?

But remember : Right answers will not be counted.



Edited by Mark Thompson
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